Amanda Hoover has been on a spiritual path since early childhood connecting to the energies and grace of nature and the planet. She obtained a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Business Management from Hofstra University and was a student in the Religious Studies program. Amanda began her self study through meditation in Zen Buddhist Monasteries in her college years. Connecting with her intuitive gifts she received a Master’s of Science In Education: School Counseling from SUNY Oneonta and a Certificate of Advanced Study in School Counseling and School Administration (Scranton University). Amanda worked as a public school counselor for several years before becoming a School Administrator in Special Education and later a School Principal. Through counseling and administration, Amanda worked very closely with students and staff to support children with special needs and those who have experienced high degrees of trauma to thrive in educational settings.
In 2017 she began following her bliss and spiritual calling of metaphysics and healing and completed the Intuitive Development Practitioner Program and Healing Practitioner Programs at the Institute for Spiritual Development in Oneonta, NY. She became a Certified Life Coach and spent the next few years developing her energy gifts and is now a Reiki Master Practitioner/Teacher and Vibra Acoustic Energy Healer. Amanda has studied Ancient Egyptian Ascension extensively since 2018 and identifies most with the pre-dynastic teachings of divine love throughout the psyche.
She is an Ordained Minister and Faculty Member at the Institute for Spiritual Development in Oneonta, NY. She has a daily meditation practice which she says has been life altering for the betterment of all. Through her metaphysical ministry she teaches consciousness evolution/wellness classes and holds meditation circles to support souls with their healing and self-love journey. Now through Net of Love she guides individuals and groups of clients on their ascension and self-healing journeys. As ascension and healing go hand in hand, centered in the heart.
At the core of Amanda's teachings is that self-love and empowerment are the key to ascension in this lifetime. The key to working ourselves up and out of lower states of consciousness through the power of healthy self talk and a healthy inner relationship. Through childhood imprinting and often trauma our brains are wired in such a way that the inner critic, fear and doubt run on autopilot in the subconscious. Meaning we are often unaware of how and why we think and act the way we do. These negative looping thought patterns often create situations or habitual carousel rides that are the opposite of what we truly want.
This leads to continual disempowering from becoming our greatest selves. Amanda works with clients to uncover the subconscious program to assist with rewiring of beliefs and re-scripting the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and others, that are not for our highest and greatest good. Sessions for clients include coaching on cognitive reframing and re-scripting techniques, energetic clearing, collaboration on daily rituals to support continued growth , establishing and maintaining a direct connection to high self and source, as well as meditation practices to support self-healing.
Amanda has extensive experience working as a transformational leader. She teaches courses and provides consultation for schools, healing centers, individuals and organizations on conscious leadership and effective practices to support mindful leadership and unity consciousness.