Net of Love

Healing and Ascending Through Love...

CHRYSTalline Love

January 24, 2023

Never underestimate the love you hold and have given. The enormity of it, the humility of it, my infinite adoration and gratitude for it. What it’s done. What it has transformed. A boundless vessel of divine love giving and receiving. Beyond our wildest dreams and integration. Divinely orchestrated.

I see it. I know it. I am in awe of it.

Thank you divine ONE

Instagram Repost _reuko.. so beautiful this plasma love heart flow depiction

ascension #giants #love #boundless #endless #infinite #divinelove #ancient #new #thankyou #selflove #appreciation #gratitude #betruetoself #loyalty #weareone #khem #atlantis #home #within #outer #100percent #worthy

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